I found out recently that one of the No. 1 predictors of student success is the teacher’s and staff’s collective belief in that outcome. When people collectively believe they can make a change on attitude and morale, the results are extraordinary. This will be the major focus for a new school program I am helping launch through my work with Jon Gordon. Stay tuned!

So it encouraged me to think about a family’s collective belief. What if a family believed so much in their values, goals, and identity that they could withstand any storm that comes their way? Like schools, the results would be extraordinary.

A family needs to communicate with each other all their thoughts and beliefs on the little things that make-up a collective family. We need to be talking about individual and family goals as well as our non-negotiables and how we spend our time. Families will withstand stress so much better if they agree on how they handle these situations. They also have open communication as a main family value and it is openly talked about and discussed.

It may be time to do some self-analysis as well as family-discussion time on where you stand on communication, issues, anxiety, mental health and so much more. The bonding that can occur is immense and will significantly pay-off in the long-run.

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