I am trying to be more vulnerable and open in this podcast and with certain posts that I do in hopes that I fulfill the true mission of this podcast: turning the personal into the powerful. The relationship that I have with my father in non-existent and is the result of years of small incidents that led to apathy on both parties. Was there more both sides could have done? Probably. I can’t change what happened between us, but I can help educate others moving forward.

I called this the ‘Wake-up Call’ because it may be a time where you need to fix or address something with a family member. These family feuds often cut deep and can last decades. All that lost time. This may be a breaking point where you look up and say, ‘I am making that call today, and we are going to hammer this out.’ The consequence of not doing that is more kicking of the can down the road. Be the one who makes that call. Blood is blood and family is forever. There are things we can get over, forgive, and start moving toward the future.

This may also be a reminder to those of you who have good relationships with people not to ever lose them. If you maintain that open dialogue, you will have less of a tendency to spiral out of control. The issues happen when we let things pile up under a rug and eventually they blow. So use this as a reminder to keep relationships on the fore-front of the mind and always be pouring into them. Grace is such an amazing word to apply to family situations because there can be some combustible personalities. Sooner rather than later, conflict will arise, and your relationship will be put to the test.

I hope you have a chance to listen to the podcast this week as I truly hope to turn the personal into the powerful. Wake-up!

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